Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jumping...rather diving in here...H...B...2

Okay so...there is so much talk about the HB2 on social is quite overwhelming.  I am not sure who I am going to irritate the most on here.  Yes, I have done my research and read up on both sides.  (Just putting that out there because I get accused of not doing that a lot.  Or at least people "like me" do.)  And for those that think I am not open minded...most of my reading was from sites I don't typical agree with.  Oh!  And please excuse my not so politically correctness.

So here is what I do know.  This bill is called House Bill 2 and the document states that it is:

Let me take a moment right here.  Bills!!  Why do they have to be so long and wordy?!  Geesh, cut to the chase!  Oh, and why do we have to tack on fifteen things when we want one thing passed?  Never understood it or cared for it.  But I digress...

This bill, as with others, is long and tedious.  I won't bore you with the details, but feel free to go read the whole thing yourself:

I would merely like to point out that there really is more to it than letting a transgender go into your bathroom.  No really!  Did you know that a mom can't take her 8 year old son into the women's bathroom if she is out with him alone.  Yeah!!  It's true!  I just read it.

Exceptions include:

"For a minor under the age of seven who accompanies a person caring for that 4 minor."

So if you are 8....forgettaboutit!  Don't know about you but my husband didn't leave our 8 yr old daughter outside at a store when he had to pee.  Just sayin!

There is even stuff in here about minimum wage.  (Don't get me started on that as far as the national level is concerned.)  But, local gov't can't make a higher minimum wage than what the state has set.  Fine by me, I don't know how that effects me personally.  So a none issue for me.  But it's in there.

One other thing I find interesting can no longer sue for discrimination in state court.  These types of lawsuits now must go to federal court...where (shockingly...jk) they are more expensive and there is a shorter period of time to file.  NC is already an "at will" employment state and there isn't anyone out there that really has protection.  You can pretty much be fired for any reason, at any time, almost without even knowing why.  There is just very limited protection in this area.  So yeah...that one kind of ruffles my feathers a bit.  That includes discrimination based on religion.  Which, just gonna be honest here, I don't feel very protected with my religious beliefs anyway.  This certainly doesn't help.

So I guess I sound like I am against this bill.  Ok so...I probably am.  If my only thing was to be mad about was the bathroom issue...well not sure I can jump on board there.  Think about it.  Does anyone honestly think a ban on the bathroom is going to keep a really twisted person from going in that bathroom to do bad things.  Nope!  I don't believe that anymore than I believe a ban on guns will keep an idiot from committing a crime or killing someone...WITH A GUN.  Yep...I totally just made that comparison.  This bill will not keep anyone safe from a pedophile or a rapist.  I am not going to argue which demographic is more perverted than the other.  I think we all have our share of cuckoos.  Just like every family has their share of crazy.

Please be for certain...I am  Christian and I am a conservative.  I don't necessarily agree with most of the LGBT community, I would imagine, on political issues.  I feel like I can say that somewhat confidently.  But wait...don't hear that I don't like them....I am saying we don't agree politically.  I like all people...well not mean people.  haha!  I would much rather have coffee with someone that doesn't agree with me politically than someone who claims to be a Christian that is full of hate.  Okay that is a lie...I hate coffee.  ;)

Which, if I may, takes me to another point.  Why can't we just sit down and talk like civil folk?  I mean there is so much hate spewed on social media on both sides.  (And not just about this topic.)  So much anger.  I am not going to get anywhere with anyone if I show anger, call them names, or be dismissive.  The other side is certainly not going to get anywhere with me if they are degrading, shouting, or angry either.

I care for everyone equally...and there are some I dislike equally.  lol!   Seriously though, I don't hate anyone.  I believe that as a human being I am allowed to believe how I want to believe BUT I need to be nice about it.  And so do they.  I don't always feel like I am given the same opportunity. 
And just in case you don't what I ya go.  And for is the only thing that will matter in the end anyway.

So...I guess my point is this.  I don't believe this bill is going to keep a creeper out of my bathroom.  I don't believe this bill is going to protect my two daughters from that creeper either.  Creepers are gonna creep no matter what the law says.  (PS-that is why I carry a gun.)  I certainly don't want, what appears to be, a grown man in the woman's bathroom because he/she has girl parts.  If she looks like a dude...umm...not gonna lie...I am gonna think she is a dude and pitch a fit.

Last point.  And it is really meant to be tongue in please don't get all pissy.  This is all probably started by a Trump campaign employee anyway...or an NC Trump supporter.  So Trump win.  You successfully distracted the whole country while Trump made a clean sweep in the primaries yesterday!  Seriously!!  ;)

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