Monday, December 9, 2013

Where is the "sync" button?

You know how you find a new song that you love and you go search for it on iTunes?  I don't know about you but I usually find at least one more song to buy when I am on there.  Well you download your song(s) and before you can need to sync your ipod.  Or, if you get a new smartphone and need to update Facebook, it will ask you if you want to sync with existing contacts?  Well...I wish there was a sync button in life.

Have you ever felt out of sync with life?  Lately I have felt very out of sync.  I have actually started this post a couple of times.  Maybe I am just too out of sync to finish it.  haha!  Things have just felt "off".  I have noticed though that there are a few things that have been able to help, and I feel like I have been able to start "syncing" again. 

Here are the things I need to do before I eject my ipod.  ;)
1)  Worship.  I can't say church, because I work there.  (Don't mean that ugly...I just mean that sometimes I need to re-sync by being fed.)  I mean worship on Sunday morning.  I love to sing...I stink at it...but I do love it.  It is my favorite part of worship service.  I jokingly asked some friends I was sitting with today if the speakers were good in the area we were sitting.  I needed to know if it was going to be loud enough for me to sing and make a joyful "noise" and be drowned out by the speaker.  haha!  I love the faster paced, clap your hands, get swept away type of music.  Worship for me is a time when I feel closest to God.  I am not super eloquent so to have someone write a beautiful song that says what I am feeling, touches me.  I also love the lesson part of worship.  I almost always feel like I learn something.  I am not a passive listener...I am a note taker.  When I am being disciplined, I use my notes during the week for devotional time.  I like to use all of the scripture references, etc.  This can also include prayer time.  Pastor asked us just today to get on our knees and pray at the end of service.  I have to say that is the most humbling position for me. 
2)  Family.  When I spend time with my hubby and the know on the good is definitely good medicine for me.  haha!  You know those days I am talking about, the kids aren't arguing over who gets to sit up front or who has to walk the dog, beds are made, rooms are clean, and we don't have anything to do that we don't want to do.  Hubby is off work and we just goof off together.  It seems that those days are so rare around here though.  :(  We have almost let life get too crazy in our family.  However...there are steps in progress to remedy that.  I'll save that for another day.  Anyway, time with the 3 most important people in my life is always priceless. 
I wish I could say that I have been able to spend time with the rest of my family too. They all live way too far away for my liking.  A phone call or a text from one of them is priceless. 
3)  Friends.  Time spent with people that love you for just can't replace that.  You know those friends that you can text random lyrics to...and they totally get it.  Maybe take them a meal or they bring you one.  Unexpected lunch on a random Tuesday.  (Again with good music.)  You can text or call at anytime and they are there to help with every ridiculous question you have.  (Baking, vitamins, you name it)  Camp with!  Party with!  (Not clubbing. Good clean fun party.)  Eat takeout in a hospital cafeteria with.  These are the people that keep you grounded.  Call you out if you need it.  They remind you of who you are.
4)  Running.  I am adding this one because I need to get back to it.  I have not been able to do this lately and I am bummed.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this would also help me to sync.

Well these are the things that have helped me lately.  Of course this time of year is also a great way to put yourself in check...and sync.  Bring your focus back to what is important in life.

What helps you to get back in "sync" when life sends you in a tailspin?

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