Saturday, February 16, 2013

We all fell...

Off the wagon that is.  We started a Forks over Knives (FOK)/Engine 2 way of life a month ago and have felt great.  I a self proclaimed night owl started going to bed earlier and getting up earlier.  I hate mornings...truly I do.  We are eating better, exercising, and sleeping better.  I wasn't tired all day.  Well this week I caved.  It wasn't because the food is bad (although there have been a few bad recipes).  It was due to poor planning, late night work sessions, busy schedule, and Valentine's Day.  Man I am a sucker for a holiday.  haha!  I didn't not plan my menu this week and I think that is key when you are doing something new.  You are still too new to depend on yourself to "come up" with things.  There were two late nights of working until 1am.  We were all over the place this week with unplanned events that threw a monkey wrench into being at home during eating hours.  Well and last, the awesome Valentine's skating party with our homeschool group.  I love food!  I love bad food!  It was everywhere.  haha!  At least I got my skate on and skated off some of the cookies.  ;)  Yep these are the ones that got me. lol!  I stayed up late making them...and then ate them.

So we fell!  Boy did I notice too.  I felt like crap.  Seriously.  I was sluggish this week.  Haven't gotten up on time and I actually missed it.  To be honest, I am glad that we fell off.  For me, it was kind of the proof in the pudding.  Now I am not going to say that we won't cheat.  I have already confessed to being a firm believer in cheating (with food that is).  I just know that it won't be a week full of it. 
I am back on the wagon and already feel better.  In just one day of good eating I could tell a huge difference.  In fact I was able to push past my 3 mile run and go for 4 miles.  It was tough but it felt great!  I was up early this morning.  I feel back on track.

I want to tell you about a few of my favorites so far...Bok Choy Fried Rice (it is in the FOK cookbook).  Yummers!  We have been having it once a week actually.  I am also a huge fan of the salad I mentioned in my previous blog.  That is going to be my go to salad.  I prefer hearts of Romaine and green leaf lettuce mixed together.  I then "squish" up (with my hand) an avocado over it and add the juice of one lime.  A small amount of sea salt and pepper.  I add tomatoes, edamame, and maybe some green peppers.  So tasty!  Soy yogurt!  Didnt' even know they made it.  It is really tasty.

I also picked up my new running shoes yesterday.  I was due.  My old ones may look new but I knew they had too many miles and I wanted to have enough time to break the new ones in before CRBR.  I ONLY run in my running shoes.  My old running shoes will now be my fun shoes.  :)  I highly recommend Foot RX Running on Hendersonville Rd.  They are great!  Went back to old faithful...Asics.  Good shoes are key in my opinion.  I have had a lot of problems with my legs, two leg injuries, so when I don't have a good shoe I can tell.

Okay so as the saying goes "Don't live to eat, eat to live".  :)

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