Monday, April 13, 2009

Last weekend we were in Charleston for the Cooper River Bridge Run. After the run we drove by to see where the furniture store fire had been that killed 9 firefighters. The first picure shows the 9 crosses that are placed at the front of the property. The second one shows the vacant lot where the store was located. The flags that seem randomly placed are actually placed very purposefully. The flags are all placed where a firefighters body was found. It was very sad to see. One of the firefighters that went with us for the run lived in Charleston for a time and knew one of the firefighters that was killed. It was hard to see this and to know that that is where they had lost their lives. I just hope I never have go thru that with Kenny. The thought sometimes is overwhelming! I just pray God's protection and comfort over their families, even now...almost 2 years later. Posted by Picasa

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