Saturday, September 13, 2008

The 5K

Well I had my 5K today! I have to tell you that this was a half marathon and a 5K rolled into one. The half marathon started at 8 and then the 5K followed at 8:15. To differentiate between the two the people participating are given different colored numbers. So today the 5K were blue and the half marathon was yellow. When I got downtown at 7:30 there were actually people, in yellow numbers, running around the building. Okay I understand that this helps you to warm up...but you are fixing to run 13 miles. Oh my stars! I can't imagine adding anymore to that. I mean they were actually RUNNING! Hard! I would be tired before I started. haha Seriously!
Ok so the half marathoners lined up first and at this point I am a little nervous. I haven't done this before...ever...and I don't really know what to expect. I haven't even ever been to a race before. So my main goal? Finish and not be last! haha No really. I just wanted to be upright when I crossed the line and not be "dead" last. I am not really sure what I was thinking starting a running "career" at the age of 36...but I am liking it. It is hard! Something that my body is not used to...but rewarding. In a weird way. I loved crossing that finish line today. I felt like I accomplished something. It made me want to do better next time. And, it is something for me. I do it for me! Not anyone else! I do need better running music though. haha Man you hit a slow song and there goes your pace. Seriously! I can tell a huge difference in my running when a slow songs hits my iPod and when a faster pace song comes on.
A little note to people that have never run. Check the digital clock at the finish line and you can get your time right away. (Didn't even pay attention.) Also, run until you hear the beep when you cross the line. The beep is your "chip" being tagged at the finish line. If you slow before you get all the way across you have a longer time. Just a couple of things I didn't know about.
May I also say this?! Have someone meet you there, either to run with or a family member to greet you in the end. My husband had to work today and let me just say...I didn't think it would be a big deal, but in a way it would have been really nice to have someone to share this with. I did run into a lady from church, Robin, whose husband was running and I hung out with them afterwards. I actually saw a few people from church. Anyway, I am just sayin', it would have been nice to have someone to celebrate with. Whether it be someone that is running with you or someone waiting for you. :D I did see the sweetest thing ever. A couple, about late 20's, was running the half marathon. As they came across the finish line they grabbed each others hands. That is a Hallmark moment if I ever saw one. haha I know, I am being all girly and mushy, but that was sweet! for the results. I finished in 33:42 and I was 317th out of 498. I think the time sounds better than my placement. Ugh! haha If you want to, check out this link: You can check results and pics. And no, I already looked and there are none of the 317th. lol So check me out...#317 on the 5K results. ;D
I have to tell you this too. I was sitting on the curb after I was done watching and cheering others in. All of a sudden the crowd starts freaking out! They had already been very excited about this cute little like 4 year old coming across the finish line, so I just assumed maybe it was another kid. NO! I look coming in and here is the first half marathoner coming in. His time was 1:08. That would be one hour and eight minutes. I couldn't believe. Crazy! I don't think I will ever be that guy! haha Man! That was awesome though! did it! I survived! And, I am ready to do it again. Okay not next week...but soon! Hopefully this time with someone. :D I really did love it. About mile 2, not so much! But I did love it! I am going to keep running! I just hope I can stick it out with it getting cold outside. We'll see...
So I lied...check out album 16 (I think) picture 96. I am behind that guy. haha


beth spray said...

i must say i am much impressed!!

Unknown said...

Wow! You go! Next year you will have to do the 1/2 marathon and let us know how you feel... You will be one of the ones running round before hand and we can all point at you and say you are crazy!

Jess said...

congrats on a race well run. I think it's great you are doing this for YOU. So many times we leave ourselves out of the list of's great you have this challenging and rewarding new aspect in your life.