Friday, October 21, 2016


I am so overwhelmed by the generosity shown this week for Lumberton.  I am blown away.  God moved in a big way to provide a lot of great things for Lumberton.  I am so grateful to have been able to be just a small part of it.
For years I have felt a strong pull to do mission and disaster relief type things.  I haven't been able to do any relief trips yet and as Hurricane Matthew came in, my mind began to churn.  I really wanted to do something.  For a few days I tried to play out every scenario in my head to try and make it work.  I was going to go work in one of the areas that had been devastated by the flooding.  I didn't care how...but I was going!  I prayed and asked God to make this work.  haha!   Well long story short, God helped me to see that that was not His plan and that this was not my season for going and doing.  While I am coming to this realization, I am seeing all of the posts from my friend Shannon, whose husband had family in Lumberton, NC.  I don't know that I had ever heard of Lumberton before that.  So I followed her page very closely and I truly feel like God wanted me to do a drive for way of Shannon and Kelvin.  So this is where my season is...helping and providing for others to be able to go and do.
My heart breaks for the people of Lumberton and the other areas that were effected by Hurricane Matthew.  I can't imagine how devastating that must be to lose everything you own.  It seemed like everything on TV was still focused mostly on the election, and just about all of the negativity and hate in the world.  I really wanted to see more on the flooding.  I felt like they were being pushed aside.
Ya's the thing.  Lumberton is not Republican or Democrat.  Lumberton is not white or black, hispanic or indian.  Lumberton is not gay or straight.  Lumberton is not christian or atheist.  Lumberton is not pro-life or pro-choice.  Not right now anyway.  Lumberton is/was under water.  Lumberton is out of jobs.  Lumberton is without homes.  Lumberton is without clothes.  Lumberton is just plain without.  I obviously don't know anyone there nor am I going to pretend to know what they are thinking or going through.  But I would venture to say that none of those things matter to Lumberton right now, but what does matter is where is the next meal coming from; where are they going to live; or how are they going to take care of their children.
You see...I needed to follow what God wanted me to do.  (And man what a blessing it has been to me.)  I wanted to be something positive with all the negative things going on.  I wanted for Lumberton to know that they were not being overlooked.  I really do want them to know that people care about them and haven't forgotten.  I want them to know that we stand with them even if we can't go and serve beside them. I am now...with a full Uhaul sitting in my driveway waiting for me to take to Fort Mills and then it will go on to Lumberton.  I am beyond honored to have been given the opportunity to help make a difference.  There are so many people that donated and I am forever grateful!  Lumberton, we love you!

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