Monday, October 8, 2012

Kitchen we go!

Okay so...maybe it's not a kitchen makeover...but a food makeover.  WE are on a mission to eat EVERYTHING in our house.  Well that doesn't exactly like what I mean. 

Let me explain.  I...we...want to eat better.  Actually we have been doing that for sometime now.  However I am the kind of person that likes to scrap it all and start over from scratch.  When I am in...I am in 100%.  I would like to get rid of all of the food we have that is not "healthy".  Hubby on the other hand doesn't want to waste anything.  A few months ago I was able to go ahead and clean out the cabinets a bit...but I need more!  haha!  So hubby and I have come to a compromise...1 week!  We have 1 week to make up random things to eat with what we have here at the house and then after that GONE!  I get to get rid of all of the things that are not so "healthy".  We are on our way to a processed food free home. 

Okay so last night we had vegetable beef soup and it was yummy.   If you knew what was in would know why it was so random.  lol!  Since it was just me and the girls we have plenty left for tonight.  It is hubby's turn to come up with something fun and random tomorrow night.  I can't wait to post tomorrow and let you know what we have for dinner.

I made homemade brownies today.  From scratch...ground my own wheat...the whole nine yards.  lol!  The plan is to rid ourselves of as much processed foods as possible.  There have been a lot of things we have already replaced at our house.  We are a long way from where we need to be but we will get there.

I am excited about the week ahead though.  Going to be fun to see what kind of things we can come up with this week to eat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

K- you must share quick, easy, healthy recipes as you get them. I am working on this goal as well, but we are so busy sometimes I don't end up planning in advance well enough to accompish my goal, and end up defaulting back to what I can get done.