Thursday, October 18, 2012

Still going...

Oh mercy!  Will this food never go away?  Teasing.  We actually have knocked out almost all of our processed food.  The only things left are random things...seasoning packets, pasta, crackers.  We have no intention of getting rid of snack I guess we are okay.  haha!

We have had some very random meals over the last week or so.  I have frozen corn and that goes with everything right?!  One night it was mac n cheese for one and soup for another.  Lunch has been even more entertaining.  Pita bread cut into little pizza looking pieces, sliced cheese, sandwich meat, and applesauce.  I think we have had snack trays 3 or 4 times now.  lol!   That is an easy way to have odd, crazy dinners.  The girls have made their own "lunchables".  Whatever it takes though to get rid of all of this stuff.  Geesh!  I sound like a food hoarder.

I have been to the grocery store but that was only for fresh veggies and fruit.  And tuna!  For some reason my daughter has been wanting tuna and crackers.  Crazy!  I have also bought a few other items that I am not ready to confess just yet.  ;)  Insert dead giveaway!!
Stopped at the store just today for more fresh items and walked out with several packs of discounted organic meat.  Yay me!  I really wish people would just feed cows and chickens what they are supposed to eat and not all the junk.  Organic can be expensive.  Baby steps!

Coupons!  Subject came up today.  I used to coupon a lot more but the free and dirt cheap stuff is terrible for you.  Not so many coupons for the healthy food.  :(  That is okay though...I am going to jump back in and use them for household/toiletry items.  Woot!

I know I said I would give hubby a week to get all the bad gone...but I am going to ride it out and see how much longer I can stand it.  Of course his next day at work I may slip a few things into the trash.  lol!  Just a few.  ;)

Oh and let me just say...I can tell that I am not eating great.  I think I have put on a few pounds and I don't like it.  Maybe I will throw several things out next work day.  lol!  Happy, healthy eating to you all!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Kitchen we go!

Okay so...maybe it's not a kitchen makeover...but a food makeover.  WE are on a mission to eat EVERYTHING in our house.  Well that doesn't exactly like what I mean. 

Let me explain.  I...we...want to eat better.  Actually we have been doing that for sometime now.  However I am the kind of person that likes to scrap it all and start over from scratch.  When I am in...I am in 100%.  I would like to get rid of all of the food we have that is not "healthy".  Hubby on the other hand doesn't want to waste anything.  A few months ago I was able to go ahead and clean out the cabinets a bit...but I need more!  haha!  So hubby and I have come to a compromise...1 week!  We have 1 week to make up random things to eat with what we have here at the house and then after that GONE!  I get to get rid of all of the things that are not so "healthy".  We are on our way to a processed food free home. 

Okay so last night we had vegetable beef soup and it was yummy.   If you knew what was in would know why it was so random.  lol!  Since it was just me and the girls we have plenty left for tonight.  It is hubby's turn to come up with something fun and random tomorrow night.  I can't wait to post tomorrow and let you know what we have for dinner.

I made homemade brownies today.  From scratch...ground my own wheat...the whole nine yards.  lol!  The plan is to rid ourselves of as much processed foods as possible.  There have been a lot of things we have already replaced at our house.  We are a long way from where we need to be but we will get there.

I am excited about the week ahead though.  Going to be fun to see what kind of things we can come up with this week to eat.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

No Greater Love!

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  John 15:13 NIV

This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends.  John 15:13 MSG

No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends.  John 15:13  AMP

Nadie tiene amor más grande que el dar la *vida por sus amigos.  John 15:13 NVIC
(I really enjoyed saying the spanish version...amor mas grande.)

I know that there will be alot of 9/11 just count me as one.  ;)  I love what a fellow firefighter wife posted...

I know that there were many other types of people that died that day...not just firefighters.  There were people on planes, Port Authority officials, at the Pentagon, all the people in the Twin many...too many.  I don't ever want anyone to think that I don't recognize and appreciate that.  Firefighting is what I know though.  The men and women that ran into that building 11 years ago humble me.  The 343 that perished that day...that would have wiped out the Asheville Fire Dept.  That astounds me!  I am honored to be married to one just like them.  I know he would have done the same.

Firefighting.  Yes he gets paid.  Yes it is his job.  Yes he chose to do it.  None of that takes away the danger of it though.  It is more than that though.  Kenny couldn't quit even if he did quit.  haha!  We go on vacation, shopping, or even to church...there is always someone in need.  It is funny really (not that people are in need).  It isn't really a job for any of is who they are.  I can't ever see him doing anything else.  :)  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  I am so proud of him!

I like to live in a bubble.  :)  I like to think that he isn't in danger at work.  At night though..nights are when I worry.  Kids are in bed.  House is somewhat quiet.  I have to crawl in bed alone.  That is when it hits me sometimes.  If you give the "what ifs" an me they will take more than a mile.  That is when I have to hold on to verses like this...
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jer 29:11
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  Is 41:10

My husband risks his life for people he doesn't even know when he is at work...and I love that about him.  I am so blessed that He chose me to come alongside of Kenny and to be his helpmate.  I truly do not deserve a man as giving and generous as he is.

I know that Tuesday will be a normal, busy day for me.  It will be for most of you too.  I pray we never forget those brave people that lost their lives on 9/11.  All of them!  There were all kinds of heroes that day.  And close to home for us...are the 343.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Be Bold!

Watch out folks!  I am posting again....and it hasn't even been a year yet.  lol!

1 Corinthians 16:13
Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.

I know that people who know me well might say I am bold....or at the very least not afraid to say what is on my mind.  Well that is true for the most part.  However when it comes to "hot topics" I try to be nice and not step on toes.  I don't want anyone to be mad at me or "unfriend me on Facebook" for having a different view or opinion. Yeah I worry about stuff like that.  I don't want anyone to think I am being mean.  I try to be mindful of who might hear or read what I am saying.

Question does it make me mean to say I am a Christian...or that I love Jesus?  Shwoo that was the easy one.  What about that I am pro-life?  That I want to protect those unborn little ones.  Getting a little deeper here.  Eeks!  Okay how about the fact that I believe in the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman.  Oh mercy!  I am already anxious and I haven't even hit publish yet.  I will not vote for Obama in November.  Oh my stars!  I am really hanging it out there now.  How does that make me mean?  Or judgemental?  Or close minded?  None of these make me a "hater".

Better yet...why would someone not like me because of that?  I have many people that I run into in daily life.  I would never be mean to anyone based on their views.  I always try to be nice and offer a smile.  I don't dislike people that don't agree with me or feel the way I do about my relationship with Christ or my political views.  Everyone has a right to choose their own view on choose their own path.  I don't think you should dislike me for mine...I don't dislike you for yours.

I have mentioned my personal views regarding Christianity and politics together because they co-exist for me.  My values and my faith guide me in politics.  It would make no sense for me to vote for a person that is pro-choice...because I am not.

I am sorry if anyone has ever wronged you in the name of Jesus.  I truly am.  For instance the group out of Kentucky that picket soldiers funerals.  Yeah I am a firm believer that God is going to have a talk with that woman....and Lord help ain't gonna be pretty.  ;) 

I am not afraid...but I am guilty of wanting to be liked.  I am a Christian.  I am not perfect....not even close.

Bold - a Christian perspective
With the hope of Jesus Christ to look to, why wouldn't Christians live bold and courageous lives in God's service? With sin and death defeated, there is nothing left to fear. From

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where the rubber meets the road...

I so enjoy worshipping at my church...and I got to do it with hubby this week.  In our Connect Group we started a study in Psalm... Psalm 1...a short Psalm...but it had a lot to say.  To me anyway.  :)  Let me first say this...I do not have a theology degree...nor do I claim to be as knowledgeable as Billy Graham...this is just my understanding of what I learned.  To save you the time of looking it up...

Psalm 1 (NIV)

1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

My delight, as a believer, should be in the law of the Lord.  I should be like a firmly planted tree.  I should not seek counsel from non-believers...or walk in their ways.  It is not wise to think that I am stronger than sin...and that I can be around it and not be tempted by it.  I loved what Pastor said Sunday.  It isn't that sin isn't fun.  Sin is fun at comes back to hurt you later.

In class we talked about the two paths that you have in life to choose and death.  I loved our teacher's description of the two paths and how he feels like there are some little trails that connect the two...and how sometimes we catch ourselves on those little trails over to the other path...but as a christian we need to get back to our path.  Okay...I am sure he said it much better than fact I know he did.  :)  You may catch yourself on one of those little trails...watching a show you know you shouldn't, saying things that you shouldn't, etc...and then run back over to your path.  It is easier to stay on your path if you have others around you on the same path.  If all of your friends are running on another will find yourself there more and more often.
Everything that I did this weekend was pointing me into the same direction...or path you could say.   What kind of life am I living on my path?  A rundown of my weekend if you will:
Friday watched Blue like Jazz - not sure how I feel about this one just yet.  Except that the last 5 minutes were the deal getter for me.  Donald Miller apologizing for trying to be something he wasn't and run from God.
Saturday watched Fireproof (doing Love Dare with my online group of firefighter wives).
Sunday had this amazing teaching x 2....first God is Bigger sermon from Pastor Bruce and then our Connect Group lesson starting in Psalms.
Sunday after church watched "What If" if that isn't God telling you to be careful which path you choose.   Excellent movie on Netflix by the way.  It is about a man who made a choice to leave his girl...but promised to come back...and never did.  Years later...God jerks a knot in his tail...and shows him where he would have been if he had stayed. 

After church on Sunday hubby and I were talking over lunch and I just felt like God was telling me in all of this, the sermon, teaching, and my movie choices that it isn't just about choosing the right path but it is about what you do on the path as well.  I need to be willing to walk the walk and talk the talk if I am on that path.  There are several things that came to mind as examples of this.
*Do you know how many kids are in foster care?  Too many!  John Mark told us on Adoption Sunday one year that there are enough families in churches in WNC that could rid the need for foster care here.  Wow!  That embarrasses me really!  I know not everyone is called to adopt...but man what a statement that would make. 
*What about the number of volunteers it takes to operate the church on any given Sunday or Wednesday.  Lord help us...we should be turning away volunteers...but we aren't.  That my friends is how you walk the walk!  Park cars, spend an hour teaching kids about Jesus, teach a CG, send out the emails for your CG, and the list goes on and on.  That life path you have what a heavy responsibility.  But wow!  Would you have it any other way?  I shouldn't feel like you are obligated to serve the Lord and your church...and I don't should feel obligated for yourself.  As if He hasn't done enough for you...for me...for all of us.
*How about what we watch on TV.  I'm guilty!  Cut my TV off a few months ago...too much garbage.  No I am not better than anyone was simply a choice that we made together as a family.  Now don't get me wrong we have an antenna that picks up some local channels so we can catch the we still have a long way to go.  With husband's job I don't feel comfortable being completely disconnected yet....and I'm guilty of the garbage.

Where the rubber meets the road.  Well that is what God was telling me on Sunday.  Hey girl...this path you are on...this is where the rubber meets the road...where your walk and your talk line up.  So as much as I am talking to you(if anyone is reading this)...I am talking to myself.