Thursday, November 3, 2011


I am thankful! I am so very thankful! But what does that mean to me? First and foremost I am thankful to Jesus...because without Him I would be nothing. I have made my share of bad choices in my life and I have regrets. I have always said that those bad choices are what made me who I am...but that is only partly true. The other...larger part of what made that when I laid those choices at the feet of Jesus...I was wiped clean. This does not mean that I am free to make all the bad choices I want. It is not a blank check to sin. Those things that I genuinely turn over to Him are forgiven. As a child of God I do not desire to sin. I am tempted like everyone else but my desire is to be like Him. But trust me...that is a battle for even the most devout Christian. There are consequences for bad choices...some small and some big...and those are consequences I have to live with. However, I am a new creation. Some consequences are but a bad memory...and for that I am blessed. I say blessed because it could be much worse than a memory. I embrace my memories as a reminder of what I am capable of without Christ. Some days I may cringe and have to turn them back over to Jesus all over again. Other days the devil tries to lure me in and tell me that I am not far from that place...and he too likes to tell me what I am capable of. But on good days...I say "oh no, not today...I am a child of God." Wow didn't plan to say all of this when I sat down. haha! It is all true for me though. Everyone is doing thankful statuses on Facebook...I am a few days I decided to post in my blog about it. My first 3 are my top 3. I am thankful for Jesus for forgiving me, Kenny for loving me, and my beautiful girls - Kenni and Lola. On those days when I struggle I look to my top 3 for a reminder of where I am now. I am truly blessed. I hope you have a "top 3" to keep you focused...with the top one being Jesus.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

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