Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why do I care?

Why do I care? Why do I care about what? Why do I care about parental rights! Well I have two very good reasons and their names are Kenni and Lola. As a parent...their is my job to guide them, educate them about right and wrong, protect them, and handle all aspects of their care. Unfortunately there are some people in this country that do NOT think that is MY job...but it is the job of the courts...the government...politicians...or even the UN. Courts all over the US are challenging the rights that I hold so dear. I am not even close to being the most knowledgeable about the issue nor do I claim to be. That is one good reason for hosting a screening of "The Child" this Saturday. I want to know more...need to know more.
What (very little) I do know:
There is an attempt to have our country ratify the Convention of the Rights of the Child treaty. This treaty is governed by the UN. Our constitution states that treaties override any state or federal law. Simply said...the UN's laws would supercede our laws here in the US.
There is also an attempt to add an amendment to the constitution that would protect us from this treaty. It would not allow the UN to make rulings in court concerning my rights as a parent. It would make my rights as a parent explicit instead of merely implied.
I also know that children...and yes I mean children...are taken out of school and they receive abortions and birth control shots without a parent's consent. That is going on right now in this happened just a few weeks ago. Whatever a child discusses with their physician is between them. They are not required to tell me anything...and most likely will not. I would not have a right to opt my child out of a sex education class, even if that class is offered in kindergarten.
There is a preacher here in the states that was arrested for spanking his son...spanking his son. It is already outlawed in California. No spanking! Personally that is what is wrong with this country. You never hear me say that it is okay to beat a child. Spanking is for discipline. Beating is an outrage! Spanking is not done in anger but in love for that child so they do not grow up and go to jail. Even if you do not agree with me about is still my right to make that choice...not the UN's.
You know...I love my girls! I want to be able to teach them that Jesus is the only way to God. I want to be able to home school them...or send them to private school if I so desire. I want to spank them if that is the way I discipline. I do not want some teacher/counselor to drive them to a clinic and let them get the birth control shot...or abortion without my knowledge or consent. It is my right! If this treaty is ratified all of those things will be challenged.
ACA and will have to teach ALL religions. Parents you will have to give your young children options about the religion that they grow up in...whether you are Muslim, Jewish, or Christian.
So please know that this is not important to YOU for MY reasons...but it should be important to you for YOUR reasons. Come to the Premier Screening of "The Child" this Saturday at 10am at Biltmore Baptist Church. If not please check it out for yourself at

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

too many even blog!

Well it is obvious from the date of my last blog that I have way too much going on. haha! April of '09! Really? Of course since there will only be about 5 people who read this...I don't think there is a big concern there. LOL!
So....I am very excited about Thanksgiving. More excited about Christmas...but I am trying to be patient. I love this time of year. I want to cook and bake. I want to be around a lot of people visiting, eating, and just hanging out. So...on our menu...turkey, ham, corn, mashed potatoes, and rolls by me. Dressing and congealed salad usually come from Becky. And we gotta have sweet tea to drink.
Now dessert? Oh mercy..."Ms Peggy's Pecan Pies"...a yummy goodness a sweet lady in Arkansas brought to my Aunt Bec and Uncle Jimmy's house when my Auntie passed away a few years ago. Somehow she managed to get them to their house STILL WARM. They are individual pecan cute! They are so scrumptious!! Some kind of pumpkin dessert...but I don't like pumpkin pie. So, usually a pumpkin cake or roll. :) Kenni Grace informed me that she wants apple pie too. I think we might have more desserts than food. Island is for food...but the buffet...that is reserved for all the yummy goodness of dessert-ville. :)
I love having extra folks over too. One year we had five different families here counting ours...okay so there wasn't but about 15...but it was fun. Always looking for refuges to come! haha! Kenny has to work Thanksgiving this it is looking like it is going to be small...just 5. That means we get to nap-time faster! ;) Seriously stinks...because he makes the BEST mashed potatoes.
I love the whole cooking scene with the parade in the background. Hopefully Lola won't cut her hair this year! True story...that happened about 4 years ago. Ugh! Right in the middle of me cooking and going crazy getting everything ready. Man I could have strangled her. haha!
Umm...confession time...the best part is...the next day we go pick out our Christmas Tree! I so LOVE doing this. We go to Sandy Hollar Farm in Leicester and walk around until we find the "perfect" one. Daddy cuts it down by hand...because he is a manly-man...and we love him for it. We bring it home and pull out the gazillion boxes and get to decorating. And decorating...that doesn't happen without Elvis going in the background! Man...I can't wait! I am ready how bought you? I hope whoever reads this has an amazing Thanksgiving spent with family and friends! What a blessed person I am and I am so very thankful for everything the Lord has given me. God Bless!