Monday, January 16, 2017

I feel like we have failed!

When I was growing up I never knew who my dad voted for.  Well there was this one time...he was running for Board of Education (I think) I feel pretty confident he voted for himself. haha!  Otherwise...couldn't tell ya!  Oh I had my guesses...but usually he would neither confirm nor deny.  I can honestly say that has never changed.  I don't live with my dad...or even in the same state for that the conversation comes up even less than it did when I lived at home.  haha!  But like I said, I had my guesses.

I don't look back at this as a bad thing.  I personally felt like he wanted me to do my own research and form my own opinion.  He also wanted me to respect the office regardless of my opinion.  (Well at least I think that is what he was going for. lol)  My parents both taught me the importance of respecting authority and anyone that held an official office.  Respect.  A couple of years ago Obama came to visit Asheville.  It was a Sunday.  I did not vote for Obama...but the buzz of him being here was a bit exciting.  Respect the office.  We actually drove out towards Swannanoa because we knew his barricade was going to be coming back through and I wanted to show the girls.  So, on the opposite side of I40 we pulled over and watched his barricade go by and head back to the airport to leave.  We were within 100 yards of the President of the United States of America!  Very cool!  Respect.

I am trying to figure out how we got to 2017.  How we got to be a country that has lost respect.  A country that can't "agree to disagree".  A country that riots and protests at the drop of a hat.  I honestly do not want to argue with anyone. I really, really don't.  I truly am just blown away by what is going on in our country.  It saddens me really.  I don't want this for my daughters, for my neices, or for anyone.

Let's be honest.  Neither of our presidential candidates for this election were worth bragging about.  We all deserved better choices.  We deserved the best that America had...and we didn't get it.  (Unfortunately in politics...there seem to be very few of those.)  There were things on both sides that were blown out of proportion (and context) by the media.  To be honest, if there is any one entity that Americans should collectively be angry should be the media.  Splice it, dice it, any way you like can't believe anything anymore unless you heard it yourself, in person.  The media are a crafty little bunch.

Quick side note.  Just to be fair, there were a few additional candidates.  Unfortunately, we all knew that voting for one of them was not going to get them a win.  It was more voting your conscience.

Why have we become so filled with hate and anger at one another?  Why would you hate a person that doesn't vote for the same person as you?  Why? We can't all agree on everything.  It isn't humanly possible.  I don't care which side of the fence you fall on, you can't possibly condone all of the negativity and just hate filled posts that are popping up everywhere on social media.  (I will be honest, there have been some funny memes that I have gotten a chuckle out of.  haha!)  There have been violent attacks on individuals.  And can someone help me out with all the state representatives that do not plan to go to the inauguration?  All the protests that are planned.  Oh wait...and a celebrity actually calling for martial law?  Oh mercy!  What have we done?  Where did we go wrong?  As a country!?

We have become a country that, when we don't get what we want, we pitch a tantrum like a two year old.  This is not Upward!  We do not all get to be the winner.  Not everyone gets a trophy.  Why do college students (that are adults mind you) need counseling, pizza, or a break from a test all because their person didn't win the election?  We have failed as a nation if we are raising young men and women to believe that if you don't win, you roll around on the floor and kick and scream.  Nowhere will you hear me say that you can't be upset.  Nowhere will you hear me say that you can't own your feelings...or that you don't have a right to feel that way.  But please is not okay for anyone to ruin a business due to rioting.  It is not okay for a college to let you out of taking your exams because your candidate didn't win the election.  We are not teaching our kids to grow up!  To cope with disappointment!  To deal with life!

I wish more than anything that we, as a country, could all try to move forward.  I wish more than anything that we could see the negativity stop.  I just wish we could all...try.  Donald Trump is our President.  It is what it is.  Whether you or I voted for him or not.  Is there anything good coming from the negativity?  Does anyone really win if people keep fighting?  My fear is no and this will continue to get worse.  If nothing else, respect for the office, whether you voted for him or not.

Life is challenging.  Life doesn't always give you what you want.  We all fail at some point.  We all get dumped or rejected.  We need to be teaching our kids how to deal with these disappointments.  To deal with life!  Whatever you choose to believe in.  We must somehow teach our kids to cope with what life throws them!